Saturday, 27 October 2012

Enable VirtualBox USB support in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

The next big version of Ubuntu is now out. I downloaded the image file and made my 4 GB pendive bootable with the help of Image Writer. I am impressed with the overall look and feel of the new Ubuntu. I erased Windows 7 and used the complete hard disk for Ubuntu. But, the problem is I cannot use Itunes to sync application in and out from my Iphone in Ubuntu. Itunes simply does not work in WINE software also. So, I brooded over how to upgrade applications in Iphone through Linux and VirtualBox is the answer.

I installed VirtualBox from Ubuntu software center. But, I could not access any of the devices plugged into the USB port of the laptop. Later I found out the solution. It is simple. Follow the simple steps detailed below.

How to install VirtualBox in Ubuntu

Actually you can do it two ways

  1. Install from the Ubuntu software center.

  2. Install from the terminal.

The first option is relatively simple to do. Ubuntu software center now does not show the software libraries and dependencies of main software that you mark to install. It only shows the main software. It is good for newbies as it greatly reduces confusion in them. The second option is good if you want to save time and to learn some basics of Linux. I went for the second option and installed the VirtualBox from the terminal.

Type this command in terminal and enter
sudo apt-get install virtualbox

when prompted give your password. This will install VirtualBox in Ubuntu.

Next go to and select appropirate Extension Pack for your installed version of VirtualBox. The VirtualBox and the Extension Pack version should be same. Choose the exact version before downloading. Double click on it and it will install the Extension Pack automatically.

Next, you need to edit user privileges. This is done to make VirtualBox user able to access USB hubs in VirtualBox. Else the USB will not be recognized in the VirtualBox. So, the next step is to add our username to VirtualBox group. There is one problem. In the latest Ubuntu 12.10 the user group does not come with the option to add users to one particular group. As the default User Settings does not allow to edit the privileges, you need to install the traditional Gnome System Tools from the Ubuntu Repository. To do this, type the following command in the Terminal and press Enter.
sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools

After the installation, type 'users' in the Ubuntu dash board search box and it will show two user applications. One is “User Accounts” and the second is “Users and Groups”. Click on the second one, Users and Groups.

Click on “Advanced Settings”.

When prompted, enter the password. You can see three tabs in the 'Advanced Settings.' Click on the second tab “User Privileges”

At the bottom of the User Privileges menu, there is one “Use virtualbox virtualization solution”. Click on it and tick in the check box. Save it.

Note: I did not see the 'save' option in this menu. So I clicked on the tab button in the keyboard twice and pressed enter and this done the job. Earlier, when I closed the menu after checking the check box, it was not saved when I opened it after some time. Obviously it has to be saved and the 'save button' (if there is one) is hidden below the bottom of the screen. So, the best option is to open user privileges one more time to check if the check-box is ticked.

Now we are almost done and you can see attached USB devices in VirtualBox. To enable USB, go VirtualBox → Settings → USB → click on the “+” mark. It will list all the available USB devices currently plugged into your system.

Remember that when a USB device is enabled in the VirtualBox USB, it cannot be used in the host machine. You need to disable USB from the VirtualBox USB option to enable it in the host machine.



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